Friday, October 08, 2010

Manufacturing Exemption: The "Use It Here" Rule

Here’s a sneaky situation involving the manufacturing exemption.

There are quite a few states who require that, in order for the exemption to work, the use of the exempt items must be within the state. This makes logical sense, given the purpose for the exemption. But there are a couple of situations (that I can think of) where a problem would occur:

Situation 1

The reason I even thought about this rule was because of a guy in the class who ran a truck routinely from his plant in state B to pick up manufacturing equipment at a dealer in state A. He had asked an unrelated question, and I started thinking about it and realized that there was a problem.

Let’s say you’re the seller in state A. Your customer, from state B, comes in and picks up manufacturing equipment. You try to charge him state A’s sales tax, but he waves around his exemption certificate from state B, maintaining that he’s going to be using this equipment in manufacturing. But in YOUR state, the manufacturing exemption only applies to manufacturing equipment that will be used in state A. The "use-it-here" rule.  Since the purchase will not be used in state A, the customer’s state B manufacturing exemption is worthless.

Even if the buyer fills out state A's manufacturing exemption form instead, it won't be valid because he's not "using it here."  And you will owe state A the sales tax you should have charged your customer.

The solution is easy - simply ship the equipment to the customer in state B. Then, since it’s a shipment out of the state, state A has no jurisdiction, and the delivery is in state B. Everybody happy.

A similar problem exists if state A didn’t have any manufacturing exemption at all. In that case as well, the buyer’s state B certificate is irrelevant. Same solution.

Situation 2 

You purchase equipment and have it shipped to your location in state B. There’s a manufacturing exemption in state B, so no sales or use tax. But you then reship the machine to state C. Since you never used, or intended to use, the purchase in your plant in state B, and state B has a “use it here” restriction, you will owe use tax on that machine to state B.

Note that state C has a manufacturing exemption, but state B doesn’t care. And since you stored (used) the equipment in state B, they get to nick you for the use tax.

Remember, not every state has this "use it here" rule, so check it out first.

And if you can think of any more situations where this "use it here" rule would be a problem, please let me know.

The Sales Tax Guy

See the disclaimer - this is for education only.  Research these issues thoroughly before making decisions.  Remember: there are details we haven't discussed, and every state is different.  Here's more information

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Anonymous said...

Under the use it here rule, what if you are leasing manufactuing equipment. The lessor delivers it to state A. You take the equipment to state B and use the equipment in state B. If neither state A or state B does not have a manufacturing exemption where do you pay the tax? Do you pay the tax to state A where it was delivered? Or do you pay the tax to state B where the equipment was used? Or both?

Jim Frazier said...

Usually, you pay use tax on leased equipment where it is used. But if the lessor charges sales tax, he'll probably charge the tax based on the delivery state unless he knows you will be using it in another state.

Check the leasing rules in the relevant states - they do vary, but usually cover this issue.

See disclaimer.