Monday, August 02, 2010

You need to look this stuff up folks!

Dead Fish III've got this disclaimer on the left side of the blog:

Please keep in mind that our purpose is to provide general information to familiarize you with certain issues. The information we provide may not apply to your particular situation or to the applicable state, may oversimplify an issue, or may omit a point that is relevant to you. In addition, exceptions, unwritten rules, and different interpretations abound. Therefore you should not rely on the information provided for your specific needs.

After reading any of our material or participating in training or coaching, you should always consult with an attorney, CPA or tax adviser who is a local expert in sales and use taxes for the applicable state, and/or do your own research in authoritative publications before applying the principles or suggestions mentioned.

I had a comment on one of my posts recently from someone who was looking for information on a particular issue. He didn't specify the state, and I read the question as being somewhat general in nature. He was miffed by my non-specific response. He apparently wanted a definitive answer. I pointed out that, if he had read my blog, he'd know that I don't specialize in definitive answers.

My job is to help you understand the way the law works. Your job is to find the answer, hopefully with a push in the right direction from me. In other words, and using a very old and tired metaphor, my job is not to feed you, my job is to teach you how to fish.

For folks who have taken one of my seminars (online or in-person), or for whom I'm doing coaching, I will do some research. If these folks have a detailed question about how to handle a situation in a particular state, I ask them to see if they can find the answer on their own. If they can't, I will look it up in the sales tax database that I use and send them the article that discusses the question. They can then make a decision based on the same data that I would see.

And here's where you should do your research.

Finally, please understand that there are, with the exception of the state web site, no free answers

The Sales Tax Guy

See the disclaimer - this is for education only. Research these issues thoroughly before making decisions. Remember: there are details we haven't discussed, and every state is different. Here's more information

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