Food still fully taxed in Alabama - http://bit.ly/cKwz7W
Tax holiday for some appliances in MO - http://bit.ly/bO4qOr
Bredesen warns TN state workers' pay cut absent big-ticket item tax - http://bit.ly/a73jme - It's blackmail time!
Amzn e-book battle with publishers http://bit.ly/9mZF7L Don't fight with Amzn.com on sales tax - they got it figured out!
Audit suggests ending sales tax break in New Jersey's UEZs http://bit.ly/bnnB38
Sales tax evasion in Georgia - http://bit.ly/9Hv3Ed
Florida yacht tax cap gains another ally - http://bit.ly/dzDHfk
An interesting edu for youngr voters about the reach of the state's treasury into their pockets - http://bit.ly/aGBpz0
Washington State’s 30 new tax laws - http://bit.ly/dpVAKq
Amazon Fights North Carolina Data Demand - http://bit.ly/bZiELi
Pennsylvania aims to raise $190 million via tax amnesty- http://bit.ly/910Jo0
Mo. Lawmakers Vote To Overturn Sales Tax Rulings on resale - http://bit.ly/910Jo0
Should Massachusetts Reduce Its Sales Tax? - http://bit.ly/bEkMKL
I wonder if it's an election year thing. Florida gov gets back-to-school tax 'holiday' bill - http://bit.ly/bhmm24
Baltimore City hotels balk at spike in taxes - http://bit.ly/cWalmQ And MD says they're NOT anti-business.
New Post on the Sales Tax Guy: Janitorial Services http://bit.ly/d9S1Kr
Cash-strapped states go online, hoping to tax sales - http://bit.ly/cyOJq0
In a State’s Search for Sales Tax, Amazon Raises Privacy Concerns - http://nyti.ms/azxDxA
Fact checker: Walmart shuffle isn't likely to make tax dent - http://bit.ly/cyOJq0
Illinois may have sales tax holiday - good idea since they're broke - http://bit.ly/a6fKmv
Kansas halfway to 1% increase - http://bit.ly/aCQKbz
Loss of Sales-Tax Break Could Force Cuts at Middle Ga. Non-Profits - http://bit.ly/cbymxY
Kansas Legislature approves 1 percent sales tax increase - http://bit.ly/dmnHn8
Orange jumpsuit time!: New Hartford sub shop owner arrested In tax probe - http://bit.ly/9SZ0ML
Va. To Hold Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday - http://bit.ly/9IOtM2
NV Sales Tax Accidentally Raised by Legislators, Governor During Special Session - http://bit.ly/cI1IIm
Just when you thought you saved a buck, the “Tax Man” cometh http://bit.ly/aBQjDk
TN - Sales tax exemption proposed for flood victims - http://bit.ly/aqmm4C
NY Eateries in Tax Crackdown - http://bit.ly/a5cfLF
3rd Annual Texas ENERGY STAR Sales Tax Holiday - http://bit.ly/97Lq1b
Arizona OKs sales tax increase to balance budget - http://bit.ly/bt7bah
New York Governor Proposes New Soda Tax - http://bit.ly/ch5V6O And people wonder why sales tax is complicated
Retailers eager for sales-tax holiday - http://bit.ly/9qUhhC
TX Sales tax takes a holiday on some appliances this weekend - http://bit.ly/bcAggC
The Sales Tax Guy
See the disclaimer - this is for education only. Research these issues thoroughly before making decisions. Remember: there are details we haven't discussed, and every state is different.
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